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How to update Allplan models to the real site conditions?

Written by Frederico Valente | May 26, 2024 11:29:49 AM

“Design to Build”, but also update your models to what's Built

Tools like Allplan, are effective for mitigating project risks by detecting clashes and coordinating models - especially with their new integration with Solibri. However, keeping your BIM models accurate to latest site conditions becomes a daunting task during the construction phase. Some refer to this "the gap between the office and the field", meaning the building plans don't correspond to actual on-site reality. 

Such a gap leads to various problems for the teams, from coordination issues and disputes during construction, to post-Handover costs during Operations and Facility Management.

Gladly, Allplan can be powered by the Imerso AI system for quality management, making this hurdle a thing of the past. You can instantly spot deviations from the plans, create issues for your teams to fix, reject or update your BIM models to site reality in seconds. 

Leverage the BIM-Fix tool for your Allplan models 🔧🤖

Imerso's BIM Fix tool automatically moves any misplaced BIM objects to their correct onsite location, at the press of a button. This gives you an As-built IFC that you can easily import to your Allplan environment and merge with your models. This way you get reliable As-built BIM, without any site travels, photos, manual control measurements, and manual modelling effort.

Here's how it works:

  1. Run the BIM-Dev tool in Imerso to check for onsite mismatches against your models.
  2. Click on any detected misplacement (orange objects) on the listed results.
  3. Click "Move Position" and then "Save BIM-Fix".
  4. Export the .IFC models and .BCF files, then load those into Allplan.
  5. Approve changes in Allplan and resolve .BCF issue. Done!

See it in action in this short video:

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Easy to start ➜ Highest impact

Many of our customers rolled out the technology in just 3 days from meeting the Imerso onboarding team, and went on to save millions of Euros in their projects.

No need to give training to dozens of users, and instruct them to use a new solution: You can start with a single user, who alone will easily outperform an entire team reliant on traditional approaches. Start sharing your results, and you'll see your colleagues (and other teams) asking for more.

It takes minutes to set up a new project, upload your BIM models, and you're ready to go out scanning. Take any scanner device or get scan data from a third-party service, and upload it to Imerso to trigger a new analysis. It's that simple.

We're hearing customers go out scanning in the morning, go for lunch break, and have a full session ready to review when they're back. Your scan data and 360° images will be aligned to the BIM models and have a list of detected deviations ready for you to go through.

How is Imerso different from photo & 360 camera solutions?

Photos and 360 Cameras are great ways to document the site status, but they only give visual data.
This is still valuable and Imerso is not meant to replace these approaches, but rather supplement their shortcomings. 

Leveraging 3D data instead of images, Imerso can evaluate the site status automatically, and alert users of deviations above the accepted threshold. This means users spend less time investigating the data, and more time analysing the inspection results. 

You can find a more detailed Imerso vs 360 cameras comparison here>>.